
Minister Matej Arčon welcomes founders of SGBN


Earlier today in Ljubljana, two of the founders of Slovenian Global Business Network, dr Štefan Bogdan Baremboin Šalej and AMB Aljaž Gosnar, met with the Minister for Slovenians Abroad at the Government Office ...

Minister Matej Arčon welcomes founders of SGBN2022-06-20T10:11:01+00:00



The representatives of Slovenian business and economic associations and chambers of commerce from 11 countries gathered to discuss how better connect the Slovenian business diaspora, how to help Slovenian entrepreneurs and companies who want to enter a foreign market, and what ...


Global Economics Intelligence executive summary


Global Economics Intelligence executive summary detects as followed: Central banks move against inflation; US industry expands while China’s economy contracts amid COVID-19 measures; supply challenges persist ...

Global Economics Intelligence executive summary2022-06-08T10:59:53+00:00
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