On the premises of the Government Office for Slovenians Abroad (Urad za Slovence v zamejstvu in po svetu), the meeting of the representatives of the Office and Slovenian Global Business Network (SGBN) was held today. Dr Štefan Bogdan Barenboim Šalej, Mrs Suzana Martinez, Head of Department for Slovenians abroad, and Mr Uroš Stibilj were discussing the SGBN’s activities, including the future joint projects and fruitful cooperation.
The emphasis on the importance of networking executed by different Slovenian business organisations and institutions worldwide and the efforts to establish similar new, as the ones which were established with the help and support of the SGBN in France, Argentina, and Colombia was stressed. In the end, the conclusion that the business communities and their organisations should maintain more contact with the Slovenian diplomatic representatives abroad, including the activities of honorary consuls, should be a priority was made.


After the meeting, Dr Šalej had an opportunity to meet Minister Matej Arčon to whom he expressed our thanks for supporting the Slovenian business communities and, especially, for supporting the Student internship exchange program which is being run by SGBN’s colleagues at SDGZ-URES from Trieste, Italy. Minister Arčon was informed about the future plans and activities of the Slovenian Global Business Network which appear to be fully supported by him. Minister also sends best regards to all members of the Slovenian Global Business Network.